Tuesday, March 13, 2018

It's Time to Change

First of all, I just want to say that it is never good to have a woman angry.

I am a semi feminist.  I am pro women's rights and pro equality, but I still like men.  Love them even.  The majority of my friends are men, I am madly in love with my husband and I have two sons I adore.  So when I say that I am a feminist, I don't hate or am angry with the male populace of which I share Earth with.  I love them.  Very much.  Why?  Because having a mindset of equality and action is what is going to get us out of this mess with #metoo.

Dear Lord in Heaven, I think I probably just pissed off a whole load of people.  So, please read to the end.

I am a victim of #metoo.  I have had experiences that would make ANY woman angry.  Women have gotten the bad end of life for centuries.  C-E-N-T-U-R-I-E-S.  That's not a short amount of time and I can't say that I feel too bad that men feel on their guard and nervous.  But being angry won't change the current state of male and female relationships.  The men in my life are nervous for a different reason.  Their nerves stem from the possibility of being falsely accused and therefore losing their jobs and reputation for something they did not do.  Forcing men to fear will accomplish nothing.

I believe that if we push men into a corner, they will turn to other sources for comfort.  It'll be all too easy to turn to pornography, prostitution and masturbation because it is a "safe" option that doesn't bite back.  I'm sorry, but this does not solve anything.

The solution is simple.  We need to create a future generation with less fear, anger, and pain for EVERYONE (it's that equality thing, folks).  We need a safer existence for all involved.  I am willing to put an idea out there that will make #metoo go away.  This is NOT a silencing of women, or a lack of equality, however, the change in mindset needs to start early and it needs to start now. 

We need to educate boys.  Young.  Starting in kindergarten and keep the program going for every year they are in school til the day they graduate.  Boys need to be taught that girls need to be protected and respected.  Easy as that.  It does not matter what she wears, what her body type is like or how big her boobs are.  RESPECT AND PROTECT.  A girl's body is not a boy's to touch.  A body is not a playground and control of a man's urges is possible and attainable.  That is... if the education begins at a young age.

Real men are self sufficient, communicate, and can learn to be a pillar of strength.  Being an asshole only makes you an asshole.

Unfortunately, this will not stop every instance of #metoo.  It is my proposition that while boys are being educated, girls should be too.  This is not a modesty lesson, folks.  This is straight up self-defense.  I spent my entire life feeling like if I just let my abusers do whatever they needed to do, they'd go away and leave me alone.  I didn't know how to say no and the most common response I've heard from women when attacked was two of the most hateful words in the English language:

"I froze" 

These women didn't know what to do, how to scream, how to say no or how to get out of the situation.  They FROZE.  I say screw gym class.  Screw team sports, running the mile, and basic fitness.  Give these girls a yearly month-long course in Self Defense.  Teach them how to scream and do it LOUD.  Teach them how to kick nuts, get out of being grabbed, and how to hit like a girl.  I had a conversation with a cop who said rapists look for easy targets and women who "freeze" and don't fight back.  I say, it's time to fight and fight hard, ladies!

I know there will be many who disagree, but this is a start and it needs to start now.

Be the good!  Act!