Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Alyson? It's Me, Alyson

I just moved 1300 miles.  Hence the blog silence. 

There is something interesting about moving in a rush.  I didn't tell too many folks that I was going until I was gone.  The ones I did tell were a little dubious if I was going to be leaving at all.  Regardless, when I was a good 300 miles out on my journey, I decided to send a few of my much loved friends a texted "Goodbye".  It didn't go over so well.

I do not like goodbyes.  First off I have a rule about not crying in public.  Crying mixed with my face is not a pretty thing.  I swear I leak fluids out of every opening, I hiccup, I blubber and anything I say comes out incoherent gibberish.  Gotta love that.  The mess that ensues is grotesque on so many levels that I am SURE whomever I am goodbye-ing is thinking... 'Heaven help this woman, just say goodbye already and move on!'  I just get too attached to these folks.

Sometimes I forget that a few of these friends get attached right back at me.

So, I have this friend.  Her name is Allison.  For a long time, I avoided being the first to call this woman because every time she got on the phone my conversation opener was ... "Hello, Allison?  This is Alyson calling."  It was just plain silly sounding not to mention my dorkability factor skyrocketed.  However, Allison is a force to be reckoned with.  She is born and bred southern, smart, funny and has more sarcasm than Joan Rivers, Carol Burnett and the fire of Lucille Ball.  Not to mention she's got a butt load of freckles and I dig that kind of stuff.

I could go into all the conversations and the laughter/crying we've done, but that's a bunch of blah blah blah.  She's great.  Enough said.  However, she was on my list of texted goodbyes.  Mostly I got a warm text in reply of friends wishing me a safe journey, but what I got from Allison was a frigging phone call that started with, "What the F---?!?!?!"

I am humbled.  I think I should have said that goodbye in person.  Friends like her are one in a million.  So, as I blubber in private over my laptop in my new bedroom, all I have to say is....

Thank you.

Thanks for being awesome, fun, caring, sweet and the most brave and fearless person I have ever met.  If I ever meet your likeness again, it would be a miracle.  Not only do I mean that for Allison, I feel it for the entire southern state of Oklahoma and everyone I met in it.

Thank you.

Can someone pass me a tissue?  I'm blubbering off like Old Faithful and it isn't pretty.


  1. Wow do you have a set of balls on you! I mean, what a brave woman you are. That's amazing! That is so cool that you can get up and go and not look back. Best of luck!

    1. I was voting for insanity, but I'll take ballsy. Love you!

  2. And 1300 miles closer to your not-so-good pen pal! Even though you don't hear from me often, I am one of your biggest stalkers (when I have the time). Maybe we can get together when I am in town and we could go to lunch!

    1. Hey! You are a busy lady and I understand that. I do with dearly I heard from you more often. Stalk on, my dear. Stalk on!

      FYI I am actually living very close to your old home. Can't wait to see you!

  3. Aw, it's hard to say goodbye, but I know this move has been in the works forever and I'm so glad you are finally there! Home sweet home! What you've been waiting for! Hope all is going smoothly and you're getting settled. (((squeeze)))

    1. Thank you my dear! This was a long time coming and has been bitter sweet.
